Boyd Barnes


Boyd Walter Barnes passed away August 22, 2015 of natural causes. He was 73 years old.

Longtime resident of Taos; he originally moved here in 1972 to work as a tattoo artist. He graduated from UNM TAOS and was a talented artist. His passion was making moccasins.
Boyd spent some of his early years as a steel worker in New York.

He is survived by his loving partner Rosa Padilla and his children Gilbert Barnes, Wesley Barnes, Brett Barnes (Heidi), Greer Capellan (Robert), 5 grandchildren Krystal, Sebastian, Sofia, Bret Jr. Barnes, and Logan Velasco.

Boyd deeply touched the lives of everyone he came into contact with. His favorite sayings were:
I make my word gold and not garbage and
Im the Can Do Kid
He loved the Beatles and the Denver Broncos.
He loved Taos and San Francisco, Colorado; weve suffered a tremendous loss.

Memorial services will be held Saturday, August 29, 2015 at 9 AM at Kit Carson Park. Arrangements by Rivera Family Funeral Home. To share a memory, please visit our website at

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Nombre Boyd Barnes
Fecha de defunción 22 agosto, 2015

Página conmemorativa

Casa funeraria Rivera Family Funeral Home - Taos
Dirección 818 Paseo Del Pueblo Sur
Taos NM 87571
United States


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I miss u dad

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