Lala Martinez


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Nombre Lala Martinez
Fecha de defunción 23 octubre, 2014

Página conmemorativa

Casa funeraria Rivera Family Funeral Home - Española
Cementerio Rivera Family Funeral Home - Española
Dirección 417 Rodeo Road
Santa Fe NM 87505
United States


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Teresa Felter published a tribute .

Dear E.J., David, Anna and Vince,
My deepest sympathy to you and yours. Lala was a beautiful,wonderful, amazing, caring and nurturing women. Her legacy of guiding teaching, loving and caring for her family, her loved ones, her community and her genuine love for people was truly from the heart. Lala's love and concern for others was unconditional and she would do anything she could to make someone's life happier. Lala has always been in my thoughts and in my heart. As my first grade teacher, Lala embraced me and made me feel special and cherished each and everyday. I enjoyed going to school to see her smile and be in her presence. I learned so much from her and I strive to live up to her legacy. She will be missed. May the memories you hold in your heart bring healing and peace to your souls.

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Caracteres: 6000
Caracteres: 6000

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Rivera Family Funeral Home - Española


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