Salome Martinez


Salome Martinez, 86, of Amalia passed away on March 19, 2015. She is preceded in death by her husband of 68 years, Joe Eustacio Tacho Martinez, infant son, George Martinez, daughters, Pauline and LuAnn, parents, Seferino Martinez and Martina Vialpando Martinez, sisters, and brothers, Maria Archuleta, Felimon Martinez, Remunda Lozano, Dolores Gonzales, Fermin Martinez, Elsie Gallegos, Dometila Rodriguez and Gene Martinez. She is survived by her daughters, Barbara Martinez and Debra Garcia (Robert) of Amalia, eight grandchildren, eleven great grandchildren, one great-great grandchild as well as numerous other relatives and friends.

Rosary was held on March 23, 2015. Funeral Mass was held on March 24, 2015. Both services were held at the Sacred Heart Church in Costilla. Interment was held at the Santo Nino Cemetery in Amalia.

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À propos de

Nom Salome Martinez
Date de décès 19 mars, 2015

Site commémoratif

Maison Funéraire Rivera Family Funeral Home - Taos
Adresse 818 Paseo Del Pueblo Sur
Taos NM 87571
United States


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Martina San Miguel a publié un hommage .

My thoughts and prayers are with your family .
I many memories of you parents when they came to Chicago one last time.
Your mom and my mom Tia Rume together were happy and I seen how much it meant to them.
Thank you barbara for bringing your mom, the brothers, sisters, and their parents are now together In gods glory
My family will remember their Tia Salome and your dad with love
Your cousin Tina Tia Rume's daughter

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Pete &grace Trujillo a publié un hommage .

RIP tia join tio in heaven and the rest of the family. We will miss you.Love The Trujillo family

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